’’Projector. Turkish Design’’. Open presentation of a special issue of a design magazine in St. Petersburg and Istanbul

The new issue of the Projector magazine dedicated to Turkish design will be presented on September 13th in Istanbul by its publisher and editor-in-chief, the head of the HSE Art and Design School in St. Petersburg, a well-known designer Mitya Kharshak.

The 39th issue of the legendary magazine features an editors overview of the Turkish graphic design scene with its main actors. It became possible due to the HSE Art and Design School and The Sabancı University in Istanbul and created in collaboration with foreign colleagues from The Sabancı University — typographer, type designer, teacher Onur Yazicigil and media artist, designer, Head of Design Program in Sabanci Selcuk Artut.

The issue is also becoming a new milestone in the history of the magazine, which will now be published in English and focused on the research of national design schools and their peculiarities.

Editor-in-chief and publisher: Mitya Kharshak
Art director: Ivan Vorontsov

The magazine uses the fonts of students of the HSE Art and Design School and the partner of the School, TypeType Studio.

Mitya Kharshak, Head of the HSE Art and Design School — St. Petersburg comments: ’’The history of the magazine began in 2007 and has undergone many changes, not stopping over the years. Now, in cooperation with the colleagues from Sabanci University and the international design community, we go further to make the Projector a truly transboundary media. In times of instability, political and economical turbulence, design, as an internationally recognised language of visual communication, remains one of the bridges which may still connect us. At the end of June we celebrated the World Industrial Design Day with an international conference titled ’Design Diplomacy’. To me, this communicational transboundary function of Design seems crucial and extremely important nowadays. Design is a creative and truly demiurgic profession. And let us celebrate unity and mutually enriching professional exchange! The Projector, from its early years, serves as a uniting media for the design community’’.

The magazine will be presented in Istanbul on September 13. The event will take place at the Minerva Han, a hundred years old bank building which is currently used as the Communications Center for the University.

The Projector is an international design and visual arts magazine published since 2007. In the previous years it has dedicated its special issues to the Japanese, Dutch, Swiss, Danish, Finnish, American design schools.

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