HSE Art and Design School at the ADCR Awards 2024

On October 10, the award ceremony for the winners of the Russian professional competition in the field of creativity, design and advertising ADCR Awards took place. This year, all the prizes in the Graphic Design / Product Design category were taken by our students. In addition, the HSE Art and Design School has once again become the School of the Year, and Leonid Slavin is the tutor of the year!

The ADCR Awards is a Russian professional competition in the field of creativity, design and advertising, established by the Art Directors Club of Russia. The jury board of the competition consists of the brightest representatives of the Russian creative community. 

In 2024, participants submitted a record 649 works to the competition, of which 84 received awards in various categories. Among them there are the HSE Art and Design School's six student's, one graduates and two teachers' projects.


Mitya Kharshak and Ivan Kulikov

Alexander Alekseyev, students Margarita Mokhova and Alisa Konstantinova

Publications and participation in competitions are an important part of the profession, so I am happy every time to see our students and graduates among the winners of the ADCR Awards. We know their professional level well, but every award in the external competition is another proof that we are really in the top league. Thanks to all the participants and winners, these victories also add confidence to us that we are doing everything right. Congratulations to everyone, this is a great career start!


Leonid Slavin

"Tutor of the Year" according to the ADCR Awards 2024, head of the Art Direction profile in the field of Communication Design and Branding at the HSE School of Art and Design.

Special nomination "School of the Year"

On October 10, all the winners of the competition were awarded at the ADCR Awards ceremony. For the second year in a row, the HSE School of Art and Design receives a prize in the special nomination "School of the Year".

Graphic Design / Product Design Nomination

GOLD. Anastasia Progatskaya

Arctic Culture Festival "TERIBERKA"

The Arctic Culture Festival reveals the versatility of this village, its cultural and historical diversity. The festival shows Teriberka as an attractive authentic place with great tourist potential.

GOLD. Kirill Krasilnikov, Evgenia Butyrina, Evgeny Razumov

FLUXUS Shower Salt

FLUXUS is a shower salt that turns an ordinary shower into a spa treatment. A bottle in the form of a shower head with a perforated bottom is easily attached to a hose, and balls of rock salt enrich the water flow with useful minerals.

SILVER. Sofia Khmeleva, Kirill Sirotin

Luchism: Iconography of the Invisible

"Luchism: Iconography of the Invisible" is an exhibition dedicated to the scientific, philosophical and spiritual discoveries of the XIX-XX centuries, which helped form the basis of the concept of pictorial luchism by Mikhail Larionov and Natalia Goncharova.

SILVER. Elizaveta Kolosova

Spathario Museum

The Spatario Shadow Theatre is a museum in Marousi (Athens, Greece). It features artifacts of various shadow puppets. The museum is named after the famous Greek puppeteer Eugenios Spafaris.

BRONZE. Sofia Khmeleva, Nikita Ryumshin, Evgenia Butyrina

Shibui: a line of aroma diffusers

Shibui is a unique line of aroma diffusers inspired by the Japanese aesthetics of minimalism. The design is distinguished by its strict forms, unobtrusive color scheme and conciseness in details. Diffusers will perfectly fit into the interior, adding a touch of sophistication and tranquility to it.

BRONZE. Alexandra Yerofeyeva

Design for the exhibition "Textiles of the forefront"

"Textile of the forefront" is an exhibition of textile drawings by the most famous and influential forefront authors. The exhibition presents samples of fabric, clothing and interior items.

Typography nomination

BRONZE. Ivan Kulikov as a member of Terminal Design Branding Agency

Identity and font for Scanway

Branding Agency Terminal Design Branding Agency, founded by Ivan Kulikov, a teacher at the HSE School of Art and Design in St. Petersburg, has developed a corporate design for Scanway, a company engaged in the production and sale of workwear. In 2023, the client changed its positioning, and at that moment there was a need to update the corporate design. The identity uses the image of the target working audience — brutal, but humane at the same time. A sign, a logo, corporate graphics and two fonts have been developed, which have become the basis of visual style and brand design.

Experimental nomination

GOLD. Evgenia Berezhnaya


The graduate of the Master's degree in Art Direction presented the kinesics font, a synthesis of choreography and typography, which uniquely conveys emotions through expressive movements based on choreography.

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22 марта в Российско-армянском (славянском) университете в Ереване пройдёт День открытых дверей программы «Коммуникационный дизайн». Посетители смогут узнать о специфике обучения, познакомиться с преподавателями и кураторами программы, принять участие в экскурсии по кампусу, а также пообщаться со студентами и узнать больше об их проектах и студенческой жизни.

Цифровой диалог: создание интерфейсов, которые говорят на языке пользователя. Цикл открытых лекций в Ереване

12 марта в Ереване стартует цикл открытых лекций Школы дизайна НИУ ВШЭ, посвящённых цифровому дизайну и созданию пользовательских интерфейсов. Их посетители познакомятся с последними тенденциями в дизайне сайтов и приложений, узнают, как пользователи взаимодействуют с дизайн-макетами, и выяснят, что в действительности стоит за терминами «цифровой» и «коммуникационный» дизайн.

HSE ART AND DESIGN SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL — уникальная возможность для студентов, находящихся в Армении или готовых туда переехать, получить актуальное дизайн-образование на русском языке по уже зарекомендовавшей себя бакалаврской программе Школы дизайна НИУ ВШЭ «Коммуникационный дизайн». Программа запускается совместно с Российско-Армянским (Славянским) университетом: наши выпускники получают два диплома.

Сайт программы в Ереване

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