‘Can I be an artist here?’. Jane Struk’s artist talk

‘Can I be an artist here?’. Jane Struk’s artist talk

Mixed media artist, designer and an independent art director Jane Struk will talk with HSE ART AND DESIGN SCHOOL students about creative individuality and boundaries in art and design.

Where is the line between art and design?

We are accustomed to drawing a thick line between the functional and systematic design approach and the emotional experience of art. But is this border that important?

During the art talk, Jane will raise questions, the answers to which will help to feel more deeply your creative individuality and expand the boundaries outlined by the conventional idea of design.

  • Why do art and design so rarely coexist on the same plane?
  • What is the difference between the two visual languages (art and design)?
  • Why is design increasingly turning to art?
  • How to find a new way of expressiveness if you are tired of conventional design?
  • How to survive in the real world and create the things you like?

Jane Struk is a mixed media artist, designer and an independent art director working in diverse creative fields. From the beginning of her creative path, she has explored her relationship to visual communication, language, and memory through graphic design, illustration, collage techniques, and printed matter. Jane’s artistic work is celebrated for its conceptual, emotional, and visual — sometimes playful but always deliberate approach.

Artist talk will be held at 19:10 in auditorium 366.

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